Edited by SIdeqa Haqani

Edited by Sideqa Haqani

Edited by SIdeqa Haqani

Edited by SIdeqa Haqani
Using the body-traces as guidelines, architectural details are explored as prime generators of design, drawn in plan, elevation, section, axonometric views, and models. Different colors are used to differentiate body tracings from detail drawings. ​
Anthropoietic drawings transmediate in the design of details such as ceilings, walls, apertures and thresholds. IMAGINE the assembly of individual elements, such as bricks, blocks, woven reeds, that form a wall’s fabric with a certain pattern, rhythm, and porosity and consider the sound permeability and air permeability. The haptic FABRIC of the wall is punctuated by considered apertures within it, passages are open, and stories are woven in and out of them.
The body-traces are considered in the design of the wall’s fabric, which is drawn in axonometric to express what Massimo Scolari described as, “not so much drawing the object in space but rather the space of the object.”
Frascari, Marco. 1981. The Tell-Tale-Detail. VIA 7.
Scolari, Massimo. 2012. OBLIQUE DRAWING. MIT Press.
Frascari, Marco. Marco Frascari’s Dream House: A Theory of Imagination. Edited by Federica Goffi. Routledge 2018.